Friday, April 3, 2020

Social isolation.. why it wont work.

 The trouble with ideas like social isolation it it seemed a good idea at the time, especially when your a politician and need to be seen doing something (not helped by following a politician who did fuck all for years) the problem is like most things politicians come up with it's flawed, badly thought out and doomed from the start.
 You see people are generally a very social creature, thats why we have developed language, and all the clever communication stuff we have. We just love to watch, talk to and see other humans and mostly enjoy their company.
 Stopping them means that many will feel depressed or anxious, and isn't actually that good for them.
 The second problem with the plan was shutting all the outdoor places and parks.  You see now instead of being spread out all over the place, all the dog walkers and people getting their exercise are all crammed together in one area.  The normally deserted woods by my house is like Oxford street on a saturday now, seriously it's busy.
 The last part of the bad plan was to close all the businesses. Fair enough shutting places people were crammed in like pubs and race meetiings etc.  But shutting everything means millions off work all bored, so what do they do, they go visiting family and friends, it's a holiday for them.
 My neighbours have never been so busy, every night is garden party night, the other I normally call the street hotel has about 7 familys living in it all having visitors. It's bonkers.
 This is why social isolation isn't really going to work, not that it stood any real chance when the clowns running the country keep letting people in from all over the world carrying the virus, even after we were supposed to isolating.  If they'd shut the borders and closed airports when the virus first started in China most of this problem simply wouldn't have happened.
 But that needs forward planning and some common sense, sadly our leaders get the General Custer award for forward thinking.... 

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