Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Stained glass


 Took these yesterday.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Eurovision time


 Yes it's Eurovision time again!   The show where the best song wont win.  This is because the voting is a joke.  It's been a joke for decades, countries voting for thsir mates, shunning the countries they dislike.

 To be honest I really dont know why anybody bothers any more?  It's not as if winning a joke competition counts, the singers nearly always (with a few exceptions) vanish back into nobody land after it's over.

 Theres the political arguments every year, and frankly the contestants are terrible as are most of the songs.  It's only worth watching to see the countries fiddle the voting to suit their mates.  Terry Wogan used to take the piss out of it, indeed he was miles more value than any of the contestants.

 This year it seem almost every contestant is non-binary, and got dressed in the dark.  My God what a bunch.  I thought it was a casting session for the new Mad Max film when I turned the telly on.

 Then theres the title.  Eurovision.... Except Isreal and Australia are in it, along with a number of other non European countries.  So change the bloody name then twats!

Fire and dead bee


 Two shots from last night, the dead bee was in the garden and it seemed a good subject to test the macro on my compact out on.  The fire was last nights beach bonfire.

 Nice evening all around.

Both shot on the Lumix TZ80


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Two from last night.


 Took quite a lot of pics last night, heres two for now.  High iso Canon 7d


Friday, May 10, 2024

Chilling, coloured shapes and a dandylion.


 A rather odd random selection of shots from yesterday.  Canon 7d 18-135mm lens


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Shadows. Some black and white shots.

 Took these today looking for shots with shadows in them.  Canon 6d2 50mm lens

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Red leaves


 Shot yesterday on a Canon 7d and a Sigma 18-250mm lens.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Squares two


 A few more shots from a day or two ago.



Sunday, May 5, 2024

Carved wood


While over the hospital and killing time I spotted this.  Shot on my phone.



Thursday, May 2, 2024



 Took these last night, coloured fabric squares, actually quite small, about an inch square. Shot on the  Lumix TZ80 compact.







 Tablets, not the Ipad kind, the ones we take to make us better when we're ill.

 As you get older things in the human body start wearing out/going wrong.  Thats why lots of older people are on medication of one sort or anothe (and some young people)r, be it for high blood pressure, heart problems or any of a legion of other various conditions .

 One thing they pretty much all have in common is you have to take them at regular times (mostly) and not stop taking them without consulting your doctor unless it's a set course of medication.

 Thats all well and good.... Except... Sometimes they can be hard to take!

 To be fair I dont have any issues taking tablets, I can swallow them dry if needs be (not a great idea) but a problem I do have is getting the bloody things out of the packets.  You see I take a few different tablets twice a day.  They come from the chemist in a paper bag... inside of which is a plastic bag.

 Inside the plastic bag it the box, sealed shut.  Once you've prised your way down to the card of tablets you can take your dose... or can you?  You see my meds have changed, from one brand of tablet to a different (cheaper?) brand.  Now I dont mind that.  The problem I have is getting the tablet out of the foil card.

 My God the foil is thick, way too thick if you ask me.  I'm breaking the tablets pushing them through the foil.  Now I can still take them, but now I'm taking powder instead of a tablet.  Oh God they taste bad, really bad!!!

 So now I'm left with using a knife to cut the foil.  Not the end of the world you say.  Well no it's not.  But I'm a burly bloke with all his fingers working.  Not an 90 years old lady with stiffened fingers and dodgy joints.  If I cant get them out of the packing how is the old lady supposed to?

 Will she just stop bothering when it gets hard to get them out?  Not everybody has someone to help get them out of the packing, or able to do it themselves.

 So if you have elderly or infirm realitives or neighbours next time you see them ask if they need any help getting their tablets out of the packing.  They might be glad of the help.