Sunday, May 12, 2024

Eurovision time


 Yes it's Eurovision time again!   The show where the best song wont win.  This is because the voting is a joke.  It's been a joke for decades, countries voting for thsir mates, shunning the countries they dislike.

 To be honest I really dont know why anybody bothers any more?  It's not as if winning a joke competition counts, the singers nearly always (with a few exceptions) vanish back into nobody land after it's over.

 Theres the political arguments every year, and frankly the contestants are terrible as are most of the songs.  It's only worth watching to see the countries fiddle the voting to suit their mates.  Terry Wogan used to take the piss out of it, indeed he was miles more value than any of the contestants.

 This year it seem almost every contestant is non-binary, and got dressed in the dark.  My God what a bunch.  I thought it was a casting session for the new Mad Max film when I turned the telly on.

 Then theres the title.  Eurovision.... Except Isreal and Australia are in it, along with a number of other non European countries.  So change the bloody name then twats!

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