Monday, April 13, 2020

Photography kit, handy extra goodies to carry. (part 2) headtorch

 Yes a headtorch. Again this might seem an odd gadget to carry in your camera bag, but they are supprisingly handy.
 I like a reasonably powerfull model and most important it should have an optional red light, these are not expensive from places like ebay.  Remember to carry a set of spare batteries as they are often not the same size as your flashgun batteries.
 Why is it handy, well theres finding your way around in the dark if a shoot runs late, the red light can be used on the back of your head as a warning to motorists if you have to walk home along a road at night, and is more usefull for checking the camera setting on a night photography shoot like the milky way, or traffic light trails, red doesn't affect your natural night vision as much.
 Other uses are finding kit in your bag in a dark corner, or if theres a power cut. If the torch is bright enough you can even add a bit of light to small subjects for macro shots.
 I have a dedicated headtorch that lives in my camera bag full time.

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