Monday, April 20, 2020

Coronavirus testing, what a bloody joke!

 I mentioned in a previous post that the shambles that passes for government in the UK seemed to be almost trying to spread the virus. Indeed their official advice in the beginning was for everybody to catch it and get it over with. Later changed to locking everybody in their house to try and stop it spreading, some would say thats the fastest U-turn since Batmans emergency bat-turn of the 1960's (look it up on youtube).
 A friend thinks she has coronavirus and needs to be tested because of her work, now considering the fact the government wants the whole country on stop, and police are out in force stopping motorists and booking people for buying easter eggs, you'd be forgiven for thinking they'd have a clever way of getting people tested, or for that matter even a simple way of getting whats really a easy job done....  Errr No!
 The best way our great leaders and the combined IQ of COBRA and the NHS could think of was..... (insert drumroll here)   a fucking drive through test centre.  Seriously!  They closed McDonalds drive through because it was too dangerous.  More to the point, a lot of people dont drive, ok they'd have thought of that wouldn't they, after all it's the government and NHS.... well no it seems the village idiots that pass for our leaders never considered non-drivers.
 So it seems if you may have coronavirus and your dont drive and need testing despite official advice to self isolate for 14 days, you have to get a friend and sit 18 inches away from them in the same fucking car.  Oh they do say sit it that back seat so the driver will be safe.... so why six feet apart in a shop and considering tests have shown the virus can travel 7 metres from a single cough I'm not convinced sitting in the back seat is going to cut it.
 Seriously how hard is it for someone to drive to your house, bung a Q-Tip in your piehole and drive away, thus not spreading the virus, they can do that at the front door it takes all of 30 seconds.
 Maybe they are still trying to spread the virus......  it's about the only thing that makes any sense they way they are working..

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