Sunday, April 26, 2020

Packaging? Whats going on?

 I don't know if your like me but I've been buying some stuff online (partly because all the bloody shops are shut) Now you always get the odd tricky package but recently it's gone mad!
 The last few packages I've bought seem designed to stay shut despite the best efforts of the opener.
 Todays package had the two items inside glued to the inside of the padded bag WTF!  Why? Now keep in mind I'm opening these wearing gloves for safety and it's a PITA.
 A few days ago I received a real belter of a package, a parcel about the size of two tissue boxes, sealed in black plastic and wrapped in clear tape.  Seriously it looked for all the world like one of those parcels of cocaine you see on the movies, god know what postie thought!  Theres been a decorators van parked outside my house for 4 days since with mirrored glass in the back....The feds must be watching...
 But being serious I had a bastard of a job opening it, I even used a bloody big bowie knife at one point. Now I wouldn't mind so much if there was a £1000 worth of lens in there, but no.  It was £12 worth of surgical fucking gloves. Hardly fragile, you could throw it off a roof and not damage the contents.

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