Monday, April 20, 2020

NHS madness!!!

 My 86 year old disabled mother with a heart condition had a routine blood test today, now with the coronavirus you'd think A. they'd have the sense to cancel routine tests, and B. if they really had to be done they'd be using common sense.  No fucking chance.
 Oh no, what they did was try hard to get me to take her into the surgery as well (despite being told I had to wait outside) then in the room where the nurse does the blood test were three people (normally theres just the nurse)
 WTF? Why have two extra people in a room watching a blood test of an at risk patient?   Thats increasing her risk by 200% why in Gods name are they doing this?  Why try to get me to go in?, I'm in the at risk age group myself and there was NO reason at all for me to be in there (I refused) They were presumably too bastard lazy to push her wheelchair.  Simple answer,  SEND OUT A DISTRICT FUCKING NURSE THEN, thats what we pay them for twats.

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