Friday, December 18, 2020

That first cuppa of the day!

I don't know if your like me but that first cuppa of the day always tastes better than the others. I don't know what it is but it just tastes amazing. Over the years I've tried to work out why it tastes better, one thought was the water standing in the kettle. Thats not it most morning I have to fill the kettle to make a cuppa (note when I lived alone the kettle was always left full, then if the water went off you had a cuppa without having to dig out water) So it's not that, do I leave it brew longer! No I don't think so. As a tea drinker I'll often leave the bag "steep" fr ages if I'm doing something. Best guess is I'm thirsty and that hot sweet nectar of the gods hits the right spot.... oh bugger it I'm off for my second cuppa!

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