Thursday, December 17, 2020

Expedition X FFS!

Well a Discover channel series Expedition x is one of those awful series they make where you'll learn bugger all and is full of fake drama. The latest episode the American lake monster reached a new low. The fake drama I'll come to later. WE have our intrepid (insipid more like) presenters walking about in 6 inches of water looking for a huge 30 foot lake monster, frankly if you cant find a 30 foot fucking monster in 6 inchs of water your in the wrong job. Then they find a huge mud slide and to document it they photograph it in bloody green light, why FFS! use white light, then take a sample of the mud for contact DNA. To make matters worse they look for a possible 30 foot reptile with a thermal camera.... Errr reptiles are cold blooded fuckwits, they don't show up on thermal, I could have told them that when I was 10 years old. Seriously Discovery what kind of mororns are you employing? Is there a special kind for tv use or do you shake the trees and one falls out!.. The fake drama. All the way through we get a clip of the presenters looking at a screen going "oh my god it's huge" over and over "oh my god it's huge" yes it is, but it's not the monster is it dickheads, it's the bloody shipwreck you've found. The show is packed full of fake drama. Now if your tv program is so bloody boring and crap you need to add fake drama why bother making that shit in the first place? Admit it, your shows are rubbish.

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