Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Covid update 1

Well I had a covid test Monday but still haven't had a result (it was very busy) but I think it's a safe bet I have it. The cough started as a niggly back of the throat tickle and develoved into a proper cough. That said it isn't a constant cough (yet) and hasn't been more than mildly annoying. It also seems to come and go, yesterday it more or less died out, this morning it's back Otherwise so far I feel fine, I don't seem to have much else symptom wise, my taste and smell still work ok. I'm guessing some time today my results will come through. According to the info they gave me at the test centre it's 10 days isolation from first signs of covid, that means baring getting any worse I should be back out early next week-ish, but obviously I'll be playing it safe, I dont want to pass it around.

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