Thursday, December 31, 2020

Quick update

Since my last post things have been tricky. My dear Mother had a fall Christmas eve, and on the 27th she had to go into hospital, by then I was starting to feel rough, this is either covid or a proper flu, I've had the waking up soaked in sweat and shivering an shanking, pus not eating for about 4 days. I've started eating a bit but still not hungry, and I'm still feeling the cold, but last night I didn't wake up soaked in sweat, so thats a plus. I probably should have booked a test, but after the messing about last time only to find out it was negative, and that nearly at the end of my isolation anyway there seems little point, all I'm doing is taking a test away from someone who needs it. And anyway by the time the new year shutdown sorts itself out my 10 days will be pretty much up.

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