Saturday, March 12, 2022

First bath with no heating ect ect


 Well I had a few options here, one was a cold bath, didn't fancy that idea much, I'm too old and too pampered for that. the next idea was a wash down from the sink, thats what people mostly did back years ago, then often with a jug of cold water and a bowl in their bedroom.

 Next was a poor mans shower, thats a sink full of hot water and you sit or stand in the bath and using a cup or jug more or less have a shower, the norm is to soap up first after a wet down then rinse off well using the cup.  

 Ok it's not as good as a long shower but at least all of you gets washed.  Last option is whats known as a whores bath, thats a wipe down of those important and sweaty places with baby or wet wipes.  This is better that bugger all... thats about the best you can say for it, it helps.

 I went for the poor mans shower, with the aid of a large thermos and a kettle of boiling water I managed to get a good sink full of nice hot water. Ok it was a bit parky coming out with no heating but it is what it is.  I've been colder. And one day I'll be a lot colder, until then at least I'm clean.

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