Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Busy week

 Bit of a busy week this week.  Not only did I have an engagement shoot to sort out, I'm also spring cleaning and having a big sort out.  My mothers looking like going into a home soon so I'll need to make space for some of her stuff she wants to keep.

This week is also over the crematoriam time, we go over every year (covid excepted) and put flowers out.  It's 27 years since he died.  I still miss him.

 I suppose I was lucky with my parents, I wasn't abused or battered like some, and there was always food on the table.  Yes we went without some luxuries, money was tight in the 1950's, but we more or less always had a car, my dad needed one for his job so we went out a lot.

 My fathers was a bit like Spike Milligan, similar zany sense of humour, probably where my odd sense of humour comes from (that and a bit of "squaddie" humour thrown in) so he was a laugh, he also knew everybody, a walk around town took hours with stops to chat to everybody and anybody.

 We also knew all the big name celebs of the day, Peter Sellers, Harry Seacombe, Morcome and Wise, I spent a lot of time playing as a child with Eric Morcombes daughter Gail (my dad was in show business) so a good laugh.

 So once a year we go over to remember him and place flowers, although I think of him a lot. Happy Days!

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