Saturday, July 11, 2020

Not a happy bunny this morning!

No I'm not happy. Yesterday was a killer, pushing a heavy wheelchair around gravel paths is seriously hard work.  That and a few hours driving, coupled to having my sleep disturbed by people creeping around the gardens at night meant by the time I got home I was knackered.
 I crash on the sofa for an hour then go to get food only to find my two packets of cooked meat have been scoffed by the scavenger gourmet, that and the brioche rolls I had left.
 So food consisted of stale bread toast (stale crusty).
 I've got another long day today, and although I don't normally have breakfast I'm really hungry this morning.  Normally I'd just grab a fry-up in a cafe on the way out but thats a non-starter with the apocalypse still going on. So I guess I'll have to "suck it up" as our American cousins say.
 So if you see a grumpy old git with really short hair and stubble. leave him alone, it might be me, and I might eat you...

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