Thursday, November 13, 2014

One World Trade Centre (the freedom tower)

The new world trade centre opened on November 3rd... and already things have gone wrong, two window cleaners had to be rescued by the fire service after the gondola failed and left them dangling at a terrifying angle, the men were safe enough with harnesses but it must still have felt frightening.
The 1792 foot tall building is actually on the site of the old six world trade centre (close to where the twin towers were located) which were destroyed on 9 11 2001.
Personally I think it was a risky strategy building it at all. They are sending out a challenge to every terrorist in the world. Your the man in the pub saying " come on if you think your hard enough!"   Trouble is theres plenty of nutters and terrorists around who do think they are hard enough, or don't care what you do after. Remember it's hard to threaten a suicide bomber or a man who going to die in a plane crash, he hasn't got a lot to loose, especially when he thinks he's going to be a martyr and get his virgins. By the way latest translations suggest virgins is wrong and it's raisins they are going to get....  thats going to come as something of a shock then!
Now I don't know what sort of secret security stuff they have or how tough the tower is, or where the anti aircraft missiles are, but I'm not going up the tower, not for a pension, I'm too unlucky!

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