Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Public transport......

Today I had to go to a meeting in Swansea, as this was going to be the best part of the day, and as Swansea only actually has two parking spaces, and one of those is for disabled, I decided to use public transport.
You get spoiled using a car, it's door to door, it's quick it's clean, it's efficient. Public transport on the other hand is none of those! I spent twenty five minutes waiting and wondering if I had missed the bus, or worse if it would bother to turn up at all (many don't here) Then I traveled into Swansea sitting next to a man called Derek who was suicidally depressed, smelt like a chain smoker, and was slightly odd. On a filthy scruffy bus!.
The return journey wasn't a lot better, this time I sat next to a man called Barry, who I suspect was a serial killer out on day release from his two week sentence, whatever he was barking mad.
This is the problem with public transport, it's full of the public, the man behind me coughed as though dying of consumption, MP3 players played their tinny crap, Mobile phones rang, and a clinically obese woman opposite laughed about the fact she had eaten eight chocolate eclairs for lunch. I thought she'd eaten the shop!.
The fact is nobody should travel by public transport, it's dirty, unreliable, and hopelessly expensive, a six mile nightmare journey cost me £4.20 return, that works out at about £126 for a trip to London, I can fly there cheaper!
And they wonder why people won't ditch their cars in favor of public transport, no chance!

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