Saturday, August 3, 2024

Operation Dunkirk 2017 (review)


 Yes I know it's a bit out of date, but after watching  this last  night I just had to review it.

 Operation Dunkirk 2017, not to be confused with the movie Dunkirk also 2017.  Dunkirk, was a pretty decent version of the events that took place between may 26 and june 4 1940, when some 338.000 men were evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk.

 Oh no, Operation Dunkirk is a low budget film that came out around the same time as the Dunkirk movie to cash in on it;s sucsess.

 Operation Dunkirk.  The plot is simple a small band of British paratroopers trapped in Dunkirk are sent out on a secret mission behind German lines to rescue a scientist who has top secret information, he's been captured by the restince.

 Well thats the plot, and frankly about the only part of this terrible shambles of film that even begins to make sense.

 Theres so much wrong with this film, I'm struggling to know where to start.  You see the first problem is the parachute regiment/airborn didnt even exist in 1940 when the movie is set.  The head of the Para troops in the film has a royal marines cap badge.

 Indeed the uniforms are chaos, mostly US uniforms and even US helmets, remember the USA wasnt in the war yet.  The weapons are a mix, the German soldiers far slightly better with mostly German kit, but again, much of it is wrong, with wrong badges and even a unit that didnt exist untill later in the war.

 The vehicles again are all wrong, modern vehicles, americal tanks, a proper Custer fuck of gear.

 It's quite obvious that there was no military advisor, even a basic google check would have spotted most of the mistakes.

 The locations look more like the US to me, nothing like like the Dunkirk area of France thats for sure.

Lastly I'll get to the acting.  Well as you'd expect in a film that cost £1.67 to make it's crap.  To be fair to the cast they give it a go.  But as the script is rubbish and the plot silly they are hard put to even make a proper attempt at being convincing.

Waynes rating 1/10 

(watch if your a military buff to see all the mistakes.)  if you want extertainment, you'd be better off rubbing broken grass in your own face.

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