Friday, August 30, 2024

Fun day, not! and sunset


 PITA day!  First my car decided it didn't want to start, I'm not using it much these days and the battery is getting low.  So I bung it on charge.  Wait an hour and find it still wont start.  Then I notice the charger is on trickle charge and takes a day to charge a battery.  

 Bung the charger up to full and an hour later the car starts.....  Then I get a bonnet open warning (bloody computers)  the bonnet is shut, the sensor is buggered.  Thats all well and good except if the bonnet is open the car wont lock and the alarm goes off every half hour.  Why!

 I really dont understand the logic of the car not locking if the bonnet is open.  You could be working on the engine and want to go and get a part, but now you cant leave the car with the bonnet open.  And why have the alarm go off?  What possible help is that?

 Seriously, give me an old car every time, a contina or an escort, something without all the rubbish computer shit that never bloody works.

 So how do you fix it?  Well it's easy.  First you dismantle half the front of the car to get to the bonnet catch, then with great difficulty you unbolt the whole bonnet catch, then replace it with a new one, then rebuild the car.

 Something that should be two small screws and unclip the wires, becomes half a days work for two people.  Bloody stupid design as usual.  Well done Ford you fuckwits.

 Anyway onto the sunset.  Took the dog for a walk and got these on the compact TZ80



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