Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Image size for blog?


 Most of the pics I post here are between 1024 and 1200 px in size.  This keeps the files smaller for the blog and my resizing action stops at 1200 (it's a long story)  Someone raised the question what size do you shoot on? Well does it make a difference?

 Being a courious chap I did a test.  I shot the same picture on small jpeg and large jpeg, one is 2.5mb, the other 8.2mb.  Obviously the bigger file has more data and more pixles, the thing is does it matter?  Well the answer is NO! not if all I do is post here and never need to crop.

 You see both pictures look more or less the same at 800px..  Can you see much difference?

 Does this mean Wayne is going to shoot small jpeg?  Errrr, no, I'll stick to large jpeg and Raw, and yes, raw is better if you know what your doing.


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