Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Here we go again!


 The weird stuff is starting again!  

 Those of you who follow know the video light saga, for thos that dont a brief recap.

 I carry a few small video lights in my main camera bag , they are mostly used for close up or fill light, hardly ever for video. Anyway back before covid one vanished at a wedding (or at least it was missing after I got home)  I searched the house several times, asked my mate whose wedding it was, nothing.  Time passed no signs of light.

Several years passed, I searched on a number of occasions for this and other things, the video light remained missing. Not too big a deal, it was a cheapish one to start with and I bought another to replace it.

 Fast forward to recently and I buy some new gear, includung a new camera bag.  Open the bag one day and theres the missing video light!   Now as the bag probably wasnt even made when I lost the light and I'd only bought it a few weeks before theres no way it could have been left there and missed.  When the light went missing I didnt have the bag.

 That brings us up to today.  I take the video light out to shoot the pictures of the orange frlowers I posted earlier.  In fact I only used it on the first one and a spider (the spider pic didnt work) so it was off when I came back in.

 Now when I put these things down I'm carefull to put them face up so I can see if the light is on (leds can get hot) the light is off, it's been off for about 10 minutes in fact.  I take the card out of the camera next to the light which is face up on the sofa next to me.

 I take the pics off the card, edit the 2 I posted, take the card back to put it back in the camera and Bloody Hell!  The video light is face down and switched on full.  Now it's cant have fallen, I havent moved it, nobody else is even here.

 I've had what I call poltergiets activity before, I get weird stuff happen, then it stops for a while.

 Bloody odd all the same, it really likes this video light.

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