Saturday, July 6, 2024

Sorting out my camera gear.


 I spent some time yesterday sorting out my camera gear.  I know I'm carrying WAY too much stuff, but I like to have back-up.

 To be honest it's got silly now, the bag is too heavy for me, yes I have spare batteries and cameras and all sorts of other stuff, but I'm getting older, and the day after carrying it I suffer, not only am I shattered, but my back (which is dodgy to start with) gives me hell.  It's time for a party pack of strong painkillers (not all at once, I'm not daft)  But you get the idea.

 What is the answer?  I really have two choices, one use an assistant to carry the bloody thing.... I've considered this, but the worlds strongest man is busy elsewhere.  The second option is to cut out a LOT of the kit.  Trouble is I'm not really happy about this either.

 You see I need spares of some gear, yes I could take out some spare batteries, and leave them in the car.  Yes I dont really need the 105mm macro for what I'm shooting at the moment, I probably wont use the 16-35 2.8L lens either, another heavy lens.... but I just might.... and thats the trouble, I dont know exactly what I'm going to need.

 Wish me and my back luck....  

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