Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Age limit on aircraft?


 There are lots of older aircraft flying, but should there be a limit?  This week another oldie crashed killing 3 people.  The aircraft a 66 year old Cessna .   

 Now if I bought a 66 year old car, I'd expect issues, the engine is tired, theres going to be rust, etc etc.  None of these things is too big a deal.  If I break down I wait for the AA.  Slightly different with a plane!

 If I break down with that.... Well it's problem time, I either get lucky and land, or I die.  Ok I know an aircraft is well maintained, at least compared to a car, but heck, shit still happens!  Things get old and break.  Thats without the odd tightwad who skimps on repairs or is a DIY bodger (like me).

 Maybe there really should be an age limit for aircraft, ok exemptions for airshows where the planes could have a special inspection and certificate, but for Joe Blogs flying around?   After all if it goes wrong, it's not just Joe, theres people under him on the ground who might get killed.

 Theres a lot of ways to die, getting killed by some twit flying a museum piece aircraft held together by string and bluetac isnt the way I want to go though.

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