Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Aviation news.


 I'm noticing some "trends" again with aviation.  There seem to be an increase in the number of bad truulence cases.  Now I'm sure this is put down to global warming (sighs) but what the real cause is, well your guess is as good as mine.   Top tip keep your seat belt on and tight at all times.

 The second trend is more big name airlines having aircraft make emergency landing due to issues.  This may be just coincidence, or it may be penny pinching by the acounts dept in keeping the aircraft maintained.  Thats bad news for the public.  Sooner of later that catches up with an airline and they loos an aircraft.

The last "trend" I've noticed is the number of fatal accidents involving twin engine aircraft.  In almost all cases the aircraft is turning back after engine problems and stalls in.  The problem is the dud engine causes drag, all to often the pilot will turn a flying aircraft too sharply and the wing will stall from drag.

 The safest option is to keep flying stright and  make a landing in a field, or make a huge gentle turn.

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