Sunday, July 14, 2024

Donald Trump shot in the ear.


 Ex president Donald Trump nearly died yesterday after being shot by a sniper on a rooftop, he was hit in the ear, and then took cover.  Luckly he wasnt badly hurt, a few inches to one side and he'd be dead..

 First how did a sniper get on a rooftop in range with a weapon?  The secret service supposedly keep several rings of security around the VIP, this includes securing rooftops in range and counter snipers.

 Second, their reaction to the shots fired was quite slow, Trump ducked down into cover long before his bodyguards arrived.

 Third the secret service has a bullet shield carried near the VIP, I didnt see this used after the shooting, why not?  They may well have been more thaan one shooter.

 The press are reporting Trump fell down after being shot, no he didnt, he ducked down the same as any other sane person would if they were being shot at.  make yourself a smaller target.

 To be honest the secret service really shouldnt have been caught with their trousers down (mind they have previous)  I have been expecting someone to have a go at Trump for months, I've even told my friends.  It's been quite obvious that someone with real power doesnt want Trump to be the next president.

 Look at the dodgy trial nonsense he's had, once that started to go his way I said they'll try bumping him off next.  And supprise supprise, now they have.

 My guess is that whoever is really pulling the strings wants someone they can control, thats not Trump IMHO, he's his own man.  Biden on the other hand.... well look at what he said to the press "I'd better not answer any questions, I'll get in trouble"  Get in trouble?  He's the president FFS, who is he going to get in trouble with his boss?, no wait he is the boss, or supposed to be.

 Now as a Brit, I'm not affected really by whoever wins, I dont have a dog in that fight as we say, that said who would I prefer to win?  Well I'd sleep happier if the man with the nuclear codes could remember peoples names and not be afraid of getting in trouble....

 Whoever wins the US needs to sort out the election shambles that we've seen this year, it's not inspiring confidence in my my part of the world seeing what looks like "fiddling" going on over this election, the weaponising of the courts for one.

 Good luck to whoever wins...  Maybe the secret service should get some British help guarding the VIP's.... we havent lost a prime minister since 1812....     You've lost Lincoln, Garfield, Mckinley and Kennedy, plus nearlry lost Jackson, Reagan, Roosevelt and Trump........

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