Sunday, July 7, 2024

Camera gear update


 We after sorting out the bag and using it yesterday, I thought I'd update you.  Taking out about a kilo of batteries and a sigma 105mm macro lens did help.  Sadly not enough, by the time I got home I could hardly walk..

 Normally my fist job after getting home is back up the days pics on the computer and back up drives, then charge batteries.  Yesterday it was take some co-codamol pain killers... then back up the days shoot and battry charge.

 Today I'm still buggered, I'm limping and my back is still in bits.  I really am going to have to blitz the bag, and remove everything I can manage without.  I dont really have a choice, I cant go on carrying this lot, it's bloody silly.

 Some of you may be wondering why my first job is to back up pics and charge battreies?  Well it comes from my press days, always keep your camera ready to shoot, fresh film or card and charged flash (I used rechargable flash battries back then)  You never knew when you'd get a shout and need to dash off and shoot something.  Then you'd look a right nugget if you had no film in the camera or your barttry was flat.

 It was the same in the military, always sort your weapons out first then you.  It's just a habit I still have, even though it's a long time since I shoot any press stuff, and most likely wont in the future unless something lands in my lap.  I just like to be ready.

 Well I'm going to limp off shopping now... Oh joy, and I so love shooping... No I bloody dont!

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