Friday, July 12, 2024

Pretty fed up



 Yes I'm pretty fed up at the moment.  havent felt 100% for a few days, very tired and run down, and hurting a lot (old age is fun) so not my usual happy self.

 I really could do with a proper break to be honest, I know I've said this before and nother happens, but thats my life.  When I have the money for a holiday I dont have the time, and when I have the time... well I dont have the money.  

 Trouble is I get worn down by one thing or another.  I do have a gap in my diary in August, so if the weather plays ball I mught try and do my round Gower walk.  Been planning to do it for decades, if I leave it much longer I wont be able to do it.

 The plan is to blag a lift to Whiteford point, and walk from there to Mumbles, camping a few nights on the way.  Obviously I'd take a camera, and do a video for youtube.  I figure 2 or 3 nights out should do it. 

 To be fair I've walked most of it before in various stages, so I know most of the ground, water is the biggest issue, it's heavy to carry.  In the past I've had water from all sorts of places, including sheep troughs, I'm still here and suffered no ill effects, you just have to be carefull.  Problem is it's years since I've done much of the path, I dont know how many sheep troughs are still about.

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