Saturday, August 12, 2023

Camera bag update


I've mentioned my camera bag a few times on the blog (theres a review on aug 14 2015) and to be fair it's still going strong and been a bloody good bag. It's a Lowpro flipside 500.  And it's easily the best bag I've ever had, while the Billingham bag was a beauty and well made it just wouldnt hold what this bag holds, and worse all the weight is on one shoulder.  Not ideal for a bloke with a dodgy back.

 No, the problem isnt the bag, it's the kit I carry.  While the bag has stayed the same for 8 years, the kit in it hasnt.  I've bought new gear, different lens, new flashes ect ect in that time.  And for ages it's just too small.  Now it's got to the point when the gear wont fit.

 Imdeed the last few times I've used my big kit I've had to take a second bag for one camera with lens and it's flash .  The empty bag is just left in my car.

By bag is set up to hold 2 cameras with standard zoom size lens.  2 flashguns, 4 extra lens + a microphone and small video light.  The front pouch holds all my other gear like spare batteries, an off camera flash option (only when I think I might need it) a small towel, first aid and a million other odd's and sods that often come in handy.

 Part of the problem is new cameras and lens are bigger, better and worse heavier.  But I'm out of options.  If I want better faster lens they weight more.  Sadly noboby yet makes a 15-600mm F1.4 That would solve a lot of my problems (and make my back a happy bunny) but it is what it is.

 I like to carry 2 bodies because I have back-up.  One is none two is one (US marine corp)  Same with "standard" zoom lens, the range might be slightly different but they cover the normal most used focal lengths.  2 flashes, one for each camera and the 2 gives me a level of back-up. I carry 3 mostly now so I have a back-up spare and I sometimes take 3 bodies..

 The lens I dont carry a back-up for are my long telephoto and my ultrawide lens.  The reason I dont carry sparres is because I dont actually use these lens a lot in my normal day to day use.  I do have spares but I cant fit in any more gear.  The last item I like to carry is a fast "standard" lens, something like a 50mm 1.4 for full frame and a 18-35mm 1.8 art for crop sensor cameras.

 I also normally carry a proper macro lens, although theres no "spare" one of my standard zoom lens focuses very close and is near enough true macro to cover as a back-up.

 Ok so what this ramble all about?  Well I'm in the market for a new bag... and thats where the problems start.  You see the bag I have is nearly perfect for me, I just want a slightly bigger one, and thats the problem.  I cant find one.  Theres a new version of my bag, and very smart it is, but it's thinner so my gear might not fit, and it's not bigger anyway which is my main problem.

 At the moment I'm stumped  So if anybody knows of a bigger bag that the Lowpro flipside 500 please let me know.

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