Saturday, December 3, 2022

B17 crash NTSB early report


 The NTSB has released it's early findings on the mid air crash of a B17 and P63.  As I understand it the report says that the bomber stream and fighter stream were instructed to cross over from the 500ft line to the 1000ft line (from the crowd) the bombers were on the 500ft and the fighters on the 1000ft, swopping them over was probably to give the crowd a closer look at the fighters.

 As the two streams of planes crossed it appears the P63 was following a P51 and it's thought the pilot thought the bombers were clear, and from his turn angle he couldn't see the B17 but could see the P51 infront he was following.

 The proper full report will take a lot more time and try to understand more of what happened and who if anybody may be at fault, this early report is just that, the NTSB's early report, their conclusions may change if more data comes to light.

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