Monday, March 8, 2021

Noises and new jacket update.


 The noises I mentioned recently have stopped, well except the birds, the other odd noise must have been something in my jacket or pockets, whatever it's seems to have stopped.

 The new jacket is fine.... Except it just hasn't got the same number of pockets my coat of many feathers had (see noises post) Now this is an issue as I like to be well equiped when I go walkabout, and frankly I just can't cram in all the goodies I want. Now there are options for fixing this.

 I could just carry a bag, but thats a pain, or I could "add" pockets.  Now adding them to the jacket might be tricky, on the outside they'll look crap, and on the inside they'll take up space thats needed for my body.  So a problem.

  Next idea is to wear a waistcoat over the jacket.  Now I do have a military load carrying vest, and it's got LOADS of lovely pockets.   Except it's got three main issues.  One it's on the heavy side being made from heavy duty material and having about three million pockets and pouches.  Two it's not really ideal.  It's designed for soldiers to carry magizines and grenades, now as I don't have a gun I dont need spare mags, and funnily enough I'm all out of grenades, and the pouches are a bit of a faff for other stuff.  

 Three, by far it's biggest issue is it looks like something a suicide bomber would wear to Paris fashion week, wear it to town and I suspect someone would get worried and I'd get the police making a social call at three AM with a Glock in each hand.

 Now I do have a photographers waistcoat, this looks harmless enough, trouble is I bought it when I was twenty something and running up mountains every day, supprise supprise it doesn't fit any more, I've put on a few pounts since then.

 I have found another fishing type waistcoat but again while it does fit, it wont fit over the jacket, so either some minor ajustments are needed or I'll need to buy a bigger size.... Hmmmm


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