Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Few pic and a bad back


  Regular visitors to the blog will probably know I have a back problem, it goes back to an old injury donkeys years ago.  Every now and then it's gets bad enough to make life hard work, thats what it's doing now. Ideally I should probably rest it up for a few weeks, but me being me, I'll try walking it off, and by heck it hurts like hell.

 Anyway as I wont give in I went for a good long walk, ok I'm suffering now after but it ain't the boss of me, and it's only pain... it stops when we die, so heck I have that to look forward too. Plus they say whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger....    Yeah right!

 Anyway onto the pics, got these on the walk, all shot on the 35mm prime lens on the old camera.

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