Thursday, March 6, 2014

Manhunt tv series

Manhunt is a series in which an ex-Navy SEAL Joel Lambert, has to evade various army units around the world.  
Kind of a cross from Bear Grylls and the fugitive the series is basically a remake of the far superior 2003 BBC tv series hunting Chris Ryan.
What can I say, Joel Lambert must be the most unfit ex seal ever, the only man I know who gets out of breath sleeping (ok I'm kidding a bit)  but watch the series and listen to him huff and puff, the guy has a serious health issue to be that out of breath all the time, the people chasing him are nothing like as out of breath.  And come on lighting fires on escape and evasion when the enemy are less that 300m away? WTF!  It's just not done, the guy leaves tracks everywhere, a sheep could track him.
Please, pretty please, get Bear Grylls to show you how it's really done.

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