Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Haunted castle and earthquake alert app.


 First the picture a claimed haunted castle Craig-yr-nos.  And I've actually had some weird stuff happen while I've been there in the past.

The earthquake app.  A few days ago I found out my phone came with an earthquake alert app built in.  very handy.... except it's not.  You see earthquakes come in two flavors.  Those you feel and those you dont.

 Now pretty much anywhere in the world there are minor tremors going on all the time, it's the ground moving,the plates shifting deep under ground..  Those you dont feel and dont need to know about.  Some places may have dozens a day.  Not a need for a warning our alert.

 The major quakes are different.  Those you will feel, depending on the power it might shake a few cups, or tower bloks will fall down  The point is you'll know.  trust me you'll notice whan your house starts moving.  Thats the flaw with the app.  the ones you need to know about you feel, the others dont mater really.

 The big problem is science has yet to come up with a reliable earthquake prediction system.  yes there are a few that can give a rough idea a quake may happen in your county sometime in the next month or so but an alert is no good for that.  You can hardly run outside and wait for it.  And frankly if my house is shaking and things are falling over I dont think I need an alert to let me know.

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