Saturday, October 8, 2022

What a day yesterday!


 What a hell of a day yesterday was, I was woken up by the phone ringing as usual, then it was off to two different hospitals miles apart, and two different chemists, also miles apart which involved going back and fro through a busy town at peak times. I also went to a friends house and accidently got his daughter out of the bath, I'm guessing I'm off her Christmas card list now.

Going back to my car after the second hospital I find the main road properly flooded and my car parked in another bloody flood, this meant wading back to my car.  Luckly my car had James Bond underwater abilites and started and drove fine, although I had wet feet for the rest of the day.

 The day finished with me having a flu jab and more phone calls.  

To say I'm knackered is putting it mildly!  And.. it all starteded again today with the phone ringing, back to hospital no2. Check mask and flippers... whoopie -do!!!

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