Friday, February 18, 2022

Movie future looking bleak!


 I was looking through the latest film releases today, my God they look bad!  

 One was about a terminally ill man who finds an injured migrant and takes him to stop the police finding him. Another was about the teenage angst of a young downs syndrom girl. Yet another was based around an 18th centure lesbian artist struggle to find recognition.... Yes gripping stuff!  

 I was so gripped it took me two hours talking to a counselor before I went off the idea of cutting my own wrists.  God help the Samaritians when the Cannes film festival is on, they'll have to bring in reinforcements to cope with the load.

 But being serious who really want's to watch crap like that?, yes I know it takes all sorts and theres always someone who will find it interesting, but  movie making is a business, it's bums on seats that matter, not catering for seven people with... lets be generous and say eccentric viewing tastes.  Thats not going to pay the rent.

 Yes it's woke and trendy to show your sympathy, with different cultures and minorities etc, and thats fair enough, live and let live I say.  But if your trying to make money you have to cater for the biggest audience.  That means  car chases, BIG explosions, space movies or good old fashioned love stories.  

 Look back at what made a ton of money in the past... I bet it wasn't a movie about a Bulgarian lorry drivers search for new shoes, or the relationship between a one legged man and a door frame...

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