Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What happened to TV programs?

 Seriously what the hell happened to TV programs?  Nearly gone are the days when you could sit and enjoy a program for an hour or so. Now it's bloody hard work.
 What I'm ranting on about is the latest (fuckwit) idea of making a TV program 12 minutes long!  Yes it's all the rage with TV companies. Cuts down a ton on costs as a whole series now costs about the same as two normal episodes.
 Better still the bloody moron millennials and entitled will be just about able to follow the plot for that long, it was bad enough in a normal hour long program (actually about 42 mins running time without the adverts) after every commercial break you had to have a four minute recap for the silly barstards to remember what the fuck happend before a few minutes of adverts.
 It's coming to something when short youtube videos are longer (and mostly better) than the TV programs. 
I bloody give up, the programs these days are so crap it's hard work trying to find something worth watching.

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