Friday, August 7, 2020

Ghost hunting programs. Funny or what!

 This week I've watched a few I'd recorded clearing space off a hard drive. They all have amazing titles like the "House of hell!" or "The room of doom!" or my favorite "the Torture cellar" They all have one thing in common, the titles are bullshit clickbait.
 In most cases the "haunted" building has bugger all history of anything bad in the first place.
 Then we have the presenters... where do they find these people? Do they listen to what they are  actually saying?  Ohhh I felt a presence... yes it's the cameraman nobhead. Or again my favorite filmed in total darkness with a night vision camera you get "I saw a shadow"  No you didn't twat! you cant have a shadow in total darkness. 
 A shadow is caused by something blocking the light, the absence of light in the first place makes it impossible. FFS! seriously how dumb are these people.
 I've mentioned before how heavily outnumbered by the dead we the living are. Every house over a good few years old will have had a death in it or associated with it. This should mean pretty much all houses are haunted in some way... even if you narrow it down to people who died in bad circumstances thats a hell (pun intended) of a lot of haunted houses, yet it's rare to hear of one.
 I think I'll make a ghost hunting program, I can walk around saying stupid stuff (my friends say I do it already) and I fancy a night vision camera...  hint hint it's my birthday soon!

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