Friday, March 27, 2020

Where did all the cats go???

 Ok I'm being quite serious now.  Where did all the cats go? 
 I'm something of an animal lover, and growing up we always had more cats than the mad cat lady, seriously!  I think we had over 20 at one point, you couldn't get near the bloody fire in winter... but thats another story.. The question is where have the moggies gone?
 Theres lots of cats in my neighbourhood, you normally see loads everyday, but this week I've only seen one.
 Now two possibilites come to mind, either people are keeping tiddles inside to keep the dreaded virus away from enquiring whiskers or...  people have done what they did in the war and scoffed tiddles with a nice chianti and some fava beans.  Being serious this is what lots did during rationing in WW2 (dogs were also on the menu)  Now I know shelves in tescos are a bit bare but it's awfully early on to be eating your pets.
 The thing is as far as the virus is concerned I'm told pets cant get it.  Indeed the World Health Organisation said it's safe to lets dogs go for a walk. (WHO lets the dogs out... who let the dogs out... )  I'll get my coat.

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