Monday, March 30, 2020

Have the cows gone too??

 I mentioned the missing cats the other day. Now it seems the cows have fucked off as well.... At least milk seems to have vanished from all my local shops.
 Now the thing is theres no real reason for a shortage of milk. Cows cant catch the virus, and dairy cows have to be milked twice a day regardless, you cant just stop.  The cows can suffer quite badly from not being milked.  Now I know some wont believe this but I know a bit about farms, over the years I've spent a fair bit of time on them.
 There was a farm in the family when I was growing up and I spent a lot of time as a child there, and my brother in law (when I was married) had the one of the biggest dairy herds in the country, and I was left in charge of that while they were away.... Most of it survived....  So I do know a bit about what I'm talking about.
 So the cows are being milked, it only keeps so long, where the fucks it going?   Or have the cows all done a runner with the cats and dolphins (see hitchhikers guide to the galaxy).

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