Monday, March 16, 2020

The worlds gone mad!

 Well the panic has gripped the world. It's gone properly bonkers!  The panic buying has gone into meltdown, for some reason toilet rolls are now delivered under armed escort by securicor.
 Rice and pasta are impossible to buy. Yet still plenty of pot noodles, but as they count as fingernail clipping more that food I cant say I'm supprised, although back in my rock climbing days we used to eat loads of them, and I quite liked the taste of the curry flavor.
 People are even pinching the hand gel from hospitals.
 The thing called Borris who does prime minister impressions on the telly tells elderly at risk people to avoid crowds and self isolate. Sadly it hasn't occuded to him that many still work, others have younger family still at home or look after grandchildren. Not so easy to isolate then is it. Not that it works anyway with people calling at your home to sell crap, deliver perscriptions etc etc etc.
 Indeed oddly my 86 year old mother and myself (well into my 60's) have both received hospital outpatients appointments, rather odd as you usually wait years for them. One could be mistaken for thinking the clowns who run the shambles called Britain are trying to get the elderly people out of isolation into a hospital full of coughing plauge carrying unclean germ dispensers... and thats just the staff... don't get me started on the public.
 Well I'd better load the AK and deliver half a bog roll to my brother, he failed to buy any and now wipes his arse on axeminister carpet as it's cheaper than the bog rolls online!
 If I'm still alive "I'll be back!"   (said like arnie)

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