Thursday, December 5, 2019

My poltergeist is at it again!

 I've mentioned the odd things that happen in my house before, I'm fairly sure theres a poltergeist sharing the property rent free. Now I'm not having stuff thrown around or chairs stacked on the table like the movie. Mine is more subtle.
 Basically stuff goes missing, then turns up in a place you already looked days or weeks later
 The Y bracket was a classic case. I'd tipped out the bag it was found in at least three times looking for it, keep in mind I'm looking for about an eight inch black metal Y bracket. Not something small you could overlook, and I'm actually emptying the bag on my bed and replacing the items one by one. Bloody hard to miss a black metal bracket like that.
 Anyway the latest thing to go missing was my light meter, this does ambient light or flash, I was going to test the new ringflash gadget with it to see how much difference the different diffusers made. Was it in it's usual place NO!  Bugger, I knew it was in the house, and I knew where it should be, I litterally took all the bits out of the corner it lived (boxes of go-pro brackets, my box of chargers ect ect). No meter.  Last night I went to get a charger out of the box and ... the bloody meter was on top of the box.
 Now I know what your thinking, you think I'd moved the box and not noticed the meter on the top. WRONG!, I'd opened the box and taken out all the chargers to check it wasn't inside, it's a hinged lid, anything on top would have fallen off when I opened it. Theres no way it was there when I searched that area a few days before.
 Why it happening I have no idea, and I'm not too bothered by sharing the house with  ghost, it's not really that much of pain, it's not doing stuff every day to be fair. I just wish it would do usefull stuff like sorting my recycling, or washing dishes.

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