Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Think I have a poltergeist or something

 Things have been going missing on and off for years in my house.
 The last thing that went missing was a Y shaped bracket for my camera.  Only a cheap gadget that goes on the hot shoe on the camera so you can use a video light and a microphone at the same time.
 Not a biggie I thought. Maybe it fell out of my camera bag or something.  I was more annoyed at loosing it rather than the cost which is only a few pounds.
 I ordered a new one expecting to find the missing one as soon as it arrived but no, it was still missing.
 Yesterday shooting the flower pics I could have done with my neutral density filter as the light was bright and I was shooting at F2.8 or lower.
 Today I decided to dig out my filter set, while looking for those I noticed my micro camping stove was missing. This is odd as it lives inside a clear plastic bag on top of the cooking pot. So I started looking for that.
 Well it turns up inside a bag of camera bits and bobs.... as does the bloody Y shaped bracket.  Now it's odd because first off the stove shouldn't be in that bag but with the cooking pot. And secondly I'd gone through this bag looking for the bracket already. At least 3 times I'd emptied it and replaced the contents. Theres no way I could have missed a 6 inch metal bracket in a fairly small bag full of kit. Especially as I'd emptied it out and replaced the items one by one.
 This leaves only a few options. A someone in the house is playing silly buggers, and theres only me and Sam here and he's not a practical joker. B a gang of highly trained ninja metal bracket thieves with a conscience stole it then returned it, which frankly is a tad unlikely. C is the poltergeist, which while sounding mental does at least seem possible, and things have gone missing and returned before. Something poltergeist are famous for.
 Oh well... at least the bastard give things back. So thats a plus anyway.

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