Saturday, July 20, 2019

Is it moron day or something???

 Seriously, I know theres black friday where you get all the deals, but is today twat saturday or something??
 First it was a woman walking up the pavement on a busy A road with her dog walking up the middle of the road, despite people tooting and having to drive around the dog she just carried on.
 Then two old ladies old enough to know better just walked across the same busy road without even looking right in front of me.
 Then it was a twat who thinks traffic on a roundabout gives way to him, I damm nearly went into the side of his car, then he shouts at me. FOR DRIVER IN PORT TALBOT.  YOU GIVE WAY TO VEHICLES ON YOUR RIGHT AT A ROUNDABOUT. Not the other way around you useless pissheads. While we're at it your supposed to drive around them fucking clockwise too!!! Try it sometime.
 The last straw was Tesco having a dance competition in-shop.  Oh fucking joy!! What used to be a shit supermarket full of retards looking like the zombie apocalypse just got worse. Yes hard to believe but they actually made it worse.
 I dont get it, people go to a supermarket to exchange money for goods (thats how a business works) it's not supposed to be the bleeding X factor or I'm a brain dead has-been get me out of here. I go there to shop, trust me tesco entertainment is the last thing I want in your shops. Not that a bunch of dancers in the supermarket could be called entertainment. A nuisance, noisy, a fucking pain in the arse yes, but entertainment.... NO!

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