Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Flying today... something to think about

 Your in your nice new shiny aircraft owned by a national carrier.  Your sitting there sipping your gin and tonic, reading the paper. What you dont know is the flight has diverted due to bad weather at your arrival airport. Worse by the time it got the 400 miles to that airport the weather had beaten it, so it diverts again.
 Your still relaxed, ok the crew have announced your having to divert due to bad weather so it'll be a bit of bugger having to get to your original destination, but the crew are just playing safe so you have a warm fuzzy glow in a safety first pilot.
 However the pilot has now turned back towards yet another airport as the storms had reached his second choice and his safety first has kicked in.  However Airbuses only carry so much fuel...
 After flying yet another 120 miles he turns back to his first choice as the weather there has improved. So back a 120 miles in the opposite direction.
 Finally in lands safely.... with just 300kg of fuel left, about 60 miles worth of flying time. In fact a lot less, the piping pumps and tank sump use up maybe half that amount. The aircraft equivalent of running on fumes.
 Enjoy your flight....

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