Friday, July 12, 2019

Advertising and free wedding photos...

 Theres been a bit of a fuss on the photo forums recently. Essentially a wedding photographer was approached and asked to do a free wedding for someone with a big social media following. The idea was you do my wedding free and I'll tell all my followers your my photographer and you'll get tons of work.  The photographer declined. And so would I, here's why..
 You see the problem with this sort of marketing/advertising is it's not targeted. No good advertising running shoes in an old people home for example.
 Same situation with this wedding. They have say a million followers, but what percentage are getting married soon?, what percentage of those getting married dont already have a photographer?  How many of those remaining are close enough to book you? (these followers could be all over the world) No good getting inquires from north Africa or somewhere thousands of miles away.
 This is the  problem with this idea. You want to advertise to people getting married in your area, not people who might be a hundred and eleventy six years old in a remote village in Sumatra.

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