Monday, July 14, 2014

The Hundred (the 100) review

I watched the first episode of this so heres a brief review.
'The 100 (pronounced "The Hundred" as opposed to "The One Hundred") is an American post-apocalyptic drama television series that is airing on The CW during the 2013-14 American television season' wikipedia)
A hundred impossibly good looking young people, all criminals are sent back to a post-apocalyptic earth from an aging space station.  To add to the situation theres a power play on the space station (which doesn't have much air left) and various complications with the group who have landed, one being a suspected murderer... so another criminal then?  Anyway the locations so far have been forrest and lake.
In the first episode 2 die in the landing and another later (all the not so good looking ones...) and it seems they are not alone on earth.
It's an ok watch but my big worry is will there be a proper story with a beginning, middle and end. Sadly many US shows now just have the beginning, then they make it up as they go till the ratings drop from their endless boring programs, and then it just stops mid run (because they never had a proper ending in the first place)

Waynes rating 5/10 if theres a planned ending

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