Thursday, July 10, 2014

First Cymru (first group) or best known as Farce Cymru

Yes the joking excuse for a bus company that we have here is getting silly.  Yesterday I got a letter of apology for a complaint of a bus failing to arrive a few days back (not my first complaint) then shortly after the same bus failed to arrive again .  I mean come on! was it in the lost property office?
This is supposed to be a bus service... note the word service there, yet about 50% of the time the buses are either not arriving or if they do arrive it's rarely on time, either way early or late.

First say 'First is the world's leading transport operator, moving more than 2.5 billion passengers every year. Our focus is customer service - transporting customers safely and efficently'

Of course they would have moved 5 billion if their bloody buses turned up properly, and as for safely and efficiently....... Don't get me started.

First say they are 'the world's leading transport operator, moving more than 2.5 billion passengers every year'  Now frankly I find it hard to believe that out missing and half empty buses move more people than the Tokyo subway.  First must be moving getting on for 7 million people a day, that just doesn't sound right to me.  Thats twice the population of Wales every day or 18.000 people a day on each of it's 387 buses.  
So somebody really needs to phone the Guinness world records people!

1 comment:

Waynes world of blog! said...

After contacting first they now say it's 21 million a year, big drop there guys!