Sunday, March 1, 2009

Packaging I hate it.

Whats happened to Briton with packaging? it's gone mad, in Tesco the other week I asked politely for a carrier bag and was told bluntly NO! it was only when I put my shopping back out of the trolley and onto the counter and started to walk away the assistant gave me a carrier, For heavens sake hows some little old lady supposed to get a weeks shopping home? not everybody goes to town intending to buy shopping, they might just remember they need stuff while they are there, we don't all walk around stuffed with bags in case. When I asked why she didn't want to part with a carrier I was told it's all about saving the planet, in that case why do your teabag come in a bag inside a box then I asked.
On the subject of packaging, why is it carrier bags are made of thin cheap crap that a newspaper will fall through, when a memory card that weighs as much as a mayflies false eyelashes comes packed in something that's tough enough to be used in stab vests! You need oxyacetylene cutting gear to get the little devils out. Toilet rolls are another pet hate, why do they glue the ends down, you waste half the roll getting it open. I bought a roll of clingfilm the other week (saran wrap) the end was stuck down with tape, if clingfilm isn't clingy enough to stick to itself how the hells it supposed to stick to a plate of sandwiches or whatever?.

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