Sunday, June 23, 2024

Set myself a challenge.


 I've decided to set myself a photography challenge.  It's called the two lens challenge.  Now I have done it before (few years back) but it's time to do it again.

 The idea is you use just two focal lengths, I'm taking a 35mm and an 85mm prime lens, and the plan is to nly shoot on those two lens.  You could do the same with a zoom lens if you want, I'm lucky enough to have the prime lens to play with.

 The logic behind it is to make the photographer think.  Not just zoom on a shoot and click.  Now you have to move closer or further away.  It also makes you look for shots that work with the lens you have.

 Ok I'm going to cheat a tiny bit by taking a 28-300mm and a 20-35mm  Just in case I see a shot I cant get with the 35mm or 85mm but I'm not planing on using them otherwise.  Thats the point of the challenge.

 Ideally I'd take a 24mm or 28mm prime, but the 35mm is more of a challenge.

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