Saturday, June 29, 2024

Challenge, what have I learned?


 After just using prime lens, an 85mm and a 35mm for about a week I have made some discoveries.

 The first thing I learned is that my one time favorite focal length of 35mm on full frame, doesnt work for me any more.  I found myself using the 85mm a lot more.

 The second thing I learned is you change lens a lot more with prime lens unless you want to carry two bodies around.  Which I didnt for this experiment.

 Now back in film days changing lens wasnt an issue, now though with digital it's a lot more dodgy.  Every time you change dusk can get on the sensor, this means being a lot more careful than we had to in film days.

 The last thing I learned (or relearned) is fast lens need high shutter speeds, yes it's great fun shooting at 1.8, but on a bright sunny day I'm running out of shutter speed at 1/4000 or 1/8000.

 So whats my take on this test.  Well while it's fun, I think I'll stick to mostly zooms, I dont really need fast lens with modern cameras able to work at high iso.  You can still get nice out of focus backgrounds at F2.8 or F4 with the right lens, and best of all I'm not playing silly bugger changing lens every five minutes .

 Good fun, but as the say on Dragons den.... I'm out.

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