Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Odd name choice?


 A Piper made a forced landing after engine problems.....  It's the name that gets me.  It's owned by the ICARUS flying academy.   

 For those of you who dont get it.  Icarus is from Greek mythology.  He was the son of Daedulas.  Daedulas made wings for himeself and his son Icarus, sadly Icarus ignored his fathers advice and flew to high melting the wax holding the wings together.  The wings failed and he fell into the sea and died.

 So they named a flying academy after someone who died in a flying accident because he couldnt listen to advice?   

 Wow!  Good choice considering the plane forced landed on a beach, a bit further and they could have made the sea like Icarus....... 

 What next, a sailing academy called Titanic sailing school?

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